Friday, August 5, 2011

Now is the Time to Buy and Hold Real Estate

As part of our Guest Blogger series we're pleased to introduce James Guajardo, Managing Partner with Arizona Equity Partners LLC. James provides his insights on the Arizona investment market.

Dow Jones Loses More than 500 Points August 4th 2011 yet Arizona is a “Bull Market” in Single Family Cash Flow Investments..
National investment strategists eye the Arizona single family cash flow investment market.

Now is the time to buy and hold real estate. Why? Rent rates are stable and the ability to buy single family homes at liquidated values makes for very promising investment returns of up to 25% not including the future appreciation potential plus depreciation expense on your taxes!

How does this make for a perfect real estate investment market? Answer: The increase in foreclosures and the tightening of lending standards has created the greatest opportunity for positive cash flow investments in our lifetime.

This decade long cycle will have long term financial impact on our next generation of college graduates as well as current baby boomers who are renting and not buying.

So, which side of the fence are you on?

James Guajardo
Managing Partner
Arizona Equity Properties LLC
480-588-2211 ext. 9

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