Monday, September 28, 2009

First to market, will win this race….

The First Lender, Bank or Servicer to utilize their EXISTING strategic relationships in the local market, will be the leader in property disposition and will get a higher price for their assets, and will move significantly more assets than any of their competitors. The reality is, for a Bank or for an asset management firm, to try to hire another 1,000 employees to handle the volume of properties needing to be disposed of is a recipe for failure, too much expense, too little expertise and too slow to move. The group that leverages their local strategic resources, the Right Realtors, who already know and understand the market, who will market the properties and price them right for maximum return, the right closing Title partner who has the ability to staff up and down based on openings and closings and the right local touch with a mortgage Lender partner, who will want to have an LSR submitted with every offer, as most of these folks will be eligible for a loan again in 2-3 years!! First to the local market wins, it will be a fun race!!!

Steve de Laveaga
Senior Vice President
Fidelity National Title-Maricopa County

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